EEEIG Investments
Emerging Energy Latin America Fund
Emerging Energy Latin America Fund (EELAF) is a clean energy infrastructure fund jointly developed by EEEIG affiliates and Cleantech Advisors, a Latam focused SME project development and advisory company.
EELAF’s focus was investing in project equity with no development, commodity price or technology risks with long term revenue contracts. The geographic mandate was limited to renewable energy markets in Brazil, Peru and Mexico, and other smaller markets on a case-by-case basis. EELAF2 completed its investment mandate in 2016 with successful exit of its investment in a municipal energy efficiency provider in Mexico.
Optima Energía is a highly respected ESCO in Mexico with 25 years of experience and has over 120 energy efficiency projects implemented. They were the first company implementing energy efficiency projects through performance contracts in the country
Low Carbon & Climate-Aligned Investment Strategies
The EEEIG team works with its investor base to develop focused active and passive strategies across the capital structure via customized structures aimed at achieving climate and ESG objectives.
The Seagram Building
375 Park Avenue, 26th Floor, Suite 2607
New York, NY 10152
Tel: (212) 634-4854
Fax: (203) 355-0996
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